Do I focus on the negative part of the lift at all? So for bb rows after exploding up to my chest, do i let the bar SLOWLY down or do i just let it drop then keep doing more reps?
Also do I do this for every lift? Like bb curls, lat pulldowns, db rows, etc
To be honest Barbell rows would be great for bodybuilding but in a sporting context you would be way better off doing bench pulls. High bench, lie face down...barbell row to chest. No momentum, standard upper body fitness test along with Bench max and chins.
Im not a football player and never have been, i would advice you to look on a football fitness site or speak to one of your coaches. When is your fitness testing? What do you get tested on?
To be honest Barbell rows would be great for bodybuilding but in a sporting context you would be way better off doing bench pulls. High bench, lie face down...barbell row to chest. No momentum, standard upper body fitness test along with Bench max and chins.
Im not a football player and never have been, i would advice you to look on a football fitness site or speak to one of your coaches. When is your fitness testing? What do you get tested on?
Keep it simple. What do football programs focus on in the weightroom? Squats, power cleans, bench press.
Why? Squats give you a strong hip drive and leg strength. Power cleans help you make that force quickly.
That is power: the amount of force you generate divided by the time it takes to generate it.
So, if you're looking for things you can do in the next month that are simple but effective, focus on learning the Power Clean, and, of course, getting stronger in the squat.
OK so maybe im thinking too much about turning EVERYTHING into power. So It will still be ok to do some things heavy like squat, bench, and deadlift, but then instead off accessory bullshit add in some power lifts like power cleans, front squats, snatches, push press and speed squats?
OK so maybe im thinking too much about turning EVERYTHING into power. So It will still be ok to do some things heavy like squat, bench, and deadlift, but then instead off accessory bullshit add in some power lifts like power cleans, front squats, snatches, push press and speed squats?
Sounds like you're on the right path. Build strength through the "slow lifts"--squats, deadlifts, bench--and practice 'making' that strength very fast with the 'fast' lifts or 'Olympic' lifts, like power cleans. Strength displayed quickly IS power.
Funny, I was just reading about this tonight in Practical Programming by Mark Rippetoe. Best thing I ever did was buy Starting Strength and Practical Programming. Ask b_blazer about it.