welcome! you weren't satisfied with your strength, benching 250 at 155? i dunno if i can even bench that and i'm about 190 now...damn i suck. anyway welcome to the board bro!:
mon:chest 5X5 flat
5x5 db incline
4x8 weighted dips
2x8-10 close grip
2x8 skull crushers
4x10-15 decline weighted situps
4x12-15 side bends
Chins 5x5 (i do thes every other week when i dont do deads)
Bentover rows 5x5 (i do thes on the week i do deads)
Deads (i do these every other week) 5x5-3
Cleans 5x6x8 (I do these on every other week)
Barbell Curl 5x5-8
Hammer Curl 5x5-8
Standing Push Presses 5x5
Plate raises 5x10 (do thes in between sets of push presses too)
High Pulls 5x5 (just now trying these)
Heavy Barbell Shrugs 5x5-8
Static Hangs (grip)
Roman chair situps 4x8-12 weighted
Side Bends 4x10-12
Squats 3x5-8 (every other week)
Front Squats 3x5-8
Jump Drills 4x25( these just about kill me
Jump Squats (i will do these every other week when not doing regular squats)