I mean I walk down the streets, all these guys in tanks with pretty big guns, but no chest!! I have never seen a big chest other than at my gym. They are really rare...
The situation is exactly opposite where I live. Here I see many men with somewhat large muscular chests, but with stringbean arms and non-existant Delts and Lats. I tend to see V-tapers, >13" guns, and visible delts only when in the gym...
Yeah definitely I agree with what you all are saying 100%. NO ONE and I mean RARELY do you see a massive set of pecs on a large rib cage (built up serratus and intercostals). One trainer at my gym named Doug has an ENORMOUS chest and he sticks to the basics like everyone else SHOULD. His workout usually was 5 sets of incline barbell presses, and 5 sets of strict dumbell flyes. His outer chest was completely AMAZING I mean he looked like a smaller version of Arnold's chest without a doubt. My chest is one of my best bodyparts I think. My rib cage is really what makes it impressive though in my opinion.
well, i dont usually look at other guys chests..i look at the girls chest. but i hear what you are al saying. but im wondering what you mena. like people who train? or just ordinary slackers? what ive seen is alot of asian guys have a tiny waist, and that makes the chest look bigger..but most of those ive seen goes hunched forward..to enhance the effect..weird
I notice lack of muscular development in traps and forearms more than anything to be honest. Especially traps. I mean not one person that I ever see has really developed peaking thick traps. Most people have small flat shoulders and completely undeveloped traps.
I see a good many guys at the gym and around town that have decent developement on the pecs. a few with decent arms, but next to noone were I am from has good delt and trap development. Most of them pull the excuse that girls dont like it. Well frankly I lift for me not the girls and every woman that has talked to me says they like that even better because the guys with decent pecs and no shoulders or traps look like pretty boys wereas the guy with the traps and shoulders looks like a man.