yesterdays workout
5min light jog on treadmill
Squat: 3 sets of 20 @135
Leg Press: 270x20, 290x20, 290x20
Machine Hacksquat:180x17, 160x20, 140x20
Outstanding leg workout bro. You got some balls bro!
Bicycle Crunches: 4counts 3 sets of 15
Decline Cunches: 10lbs plate behind head 3 sets of 12
Hanging Knee Raise: 3 sets of 10
Behind the Neck Military Press: 100x15, 100x14, 100x11, 95x11
Seated Lat Raise Superset: 3 sets of 15 @15lbs
Seated Front raise : 3 dropsets of 15 @15/12.5
Bent Over DB Reverse Fly superset:3 sets of 15 @25 lbs
Seated One Arm DB Press: 3 dropsets of 15 @25/20lbs
Standing BBL Calf Raise on smith: 275x8, 295x8, 315x7, 335x5, 335x5
20 Minute walk on treadmill @5.0 incline and 2.8-3.0 speed
Nice nice workout bro. You reachin down deep and its showin bro. Keep killin that shit my man!