Gymgurl said:
When we are no longer able to change a situation …
we are challenged to change ourselves.
Nov 14th....
Still sick damn it lol....Headed to the gym in a little while. Having a rough time with some personal issues and I guess weights will be my stress reducer the lung sometime to get better...well until tomorrow...
One legged dead lifts (core) 3 x10 45#
one legged db rows (core) 3 x10 10#
Lat Pulldown 3 x 10 50#
Db incline chest press on stability ball 3 x 10 15#
bi cable curls 3 x 10 50#
Db hammer curls on stability ball 3 x 10 15#
alter db curls on ball 3 x 10 15#
tricep overhead ext w/ rope 3 x 10 50#
rope pull down 3 x 10 50#
db kickbacks 3 x 10 8#
one arm over head press (core) 3 x 10 10#
standing military press ez-bar 3 x 10 20#
Split squats 3 x 10 45#
Barbell side lunge 3 x 10 65#
romanian deadlifts 3 x 8 110#
Platform hamstring tilt on buso ball (core) 3 x 10
standing calf raises w/ barbell 3 x 10 105#
one legged calf rasies w/barbell 3 x 5 105#
calories 1561
fat 25% (42g)
carb 39% (170g)
Pro 36% (135g)
vit B
amino acids