LOL. OK, OK, I get the message. W6, MS - I'm sorry I lashed out like that at you. It was uncalled-for and misdirected. I kind of snapped - not carb or alcohol-induced - I've been quite good about eating clean. It's more my frustration that I'm in pain and can't train in the 2 weeks of the year when I can actually sleep for 10 hours a night if I like!
There's also the fact that I was labouring under the delusion yesterday morning that my 3-year relationship was in tatters, and that I was looking at spending the most depressing New Year's eve of my life. Now if you want to talk about oestrogen overload ... try a lesbian break-up on New Year's eve.
The good news is, it was simply my pride and stubbornness getting in the way of a make-up, so once I dropped them and tried communicating, love conquered all (sappy romantic violin music in background).
So, forgive me. I respect the opinions of both of you greatly, and appreciate almost any input you have, so I just felt hurt when it seemed you were dissing me. I do take my training etc. VERY seriously (too seriously for my gf, apparently), so I'll try lightening up a little on the boards and hitting harder in the gym and nutrition-wise, since I guess that's where I'll do most of the learning that pertains to my own responses.
You are, of course, correct, MS, when you say there is only so much detailed help one can get over the internet. It doesn't make it any less frustrating, but it is true, I know. Every little bit helps, though - each new piece fills out the puzzle a little more.
And I lied when I said I'm not interested in shortcuts - of course I am interested in shortcuts - just not the AAS/surgery type. We're all searching for the big Golden Key in one way or another.
Other good news is the acupuncturist who treated my back also does massage, and said she can introduce me to a proper sports masseur and/or acupuncturist. I figure undergoing this type of treatment, which is quite common and not so expensive here, regularly, could aid in recovery and help prevent future injuries. And once you have contacts in the sports world it's easier to find qualified people of all stripes, so I may luck out on a trainer.
Like BigEasy said - there are so many variables - each new one of which I discover significantly multiplies my frustration at not having more experience. I'd like to someday be at the point in my own progress where I can say with confidence, oh, that variable is not so important, or this one will do this, or whatever. It seems you can only read so much, then it's trial and error.
As for my training, I think I'm going to try 6 weeks or so on a weekly split, simply because I can't maintain intensity for the length of my current workouts (1.5 hours or so, longer for legs). At the same time I'll try to kick up the intensity. If I stay with the 3-day split I'll have to lower the volume to shorten the workouts, but I don't think I have the mental conditioning yet to perform intensely enough on a low-volume plan. I've only just started finding out what intensity really is, and would like to really focus on that for a while.
However, Hannibal, I'd be very interested to see what your plan usually involves, for future reference and experimentation. May I PM or e-mail you?
Thank you, everyone, for your input. Sorry again about my tantrum, and a happy New Year to you all! Really!