With each meal of say complex carbs or fat or protein, how much will your AVERAGE person who trains, be able to take in, for each of these foods in a meal, before they overspill into fat stores, approx.
There are so many variables it would be virtually impossible to say. If your calories are at maintenance or below and your eating 4-6 meals a day, I wouldn't worry about it to much.
Same if your bulking, just eat 4-6 meals a day and use your simple carbs by early afternoon.
There are so many variables it would be virtually impossible to say. If your calories are at maintenance or below and your eating 4-6 meals a day, I wouldn't worry about it to much.
Same if your bulking, just eat 4-6 meals a day and use your simple carbs by early afternoon.
Yeah, just don't have full sized 3 course meals within 2 hours of each other. And if you're just starting and are feeling full when its time for your next meal, just keep at it, if you're doing what KWKSLVR says above, your body will get used to it.