You guys that hide your gear use from your family seriously have issues. WTF? Grown men sneaking around and collaborating on how you hide your gear/syringes like I used to hide my nickle bags of weed from my parents when I was 16 yrs old. Fucking ridiculous!!! If you gotta hide anything from your family, your whole life is a lie-especially guys with live in/wives gf's. Betrayal comes in many forms. A needle in your ass, or the neighbor's cock up hers. There is no difference. And for you guys still living under mom and dad's roof, why not save your steroid $ and get a place of your own? Christ. Whatever happened to being a man and owning up to being the roid using felons you are? Nobody is perfect. But being a pussy is worse than being a juicer in my book any day. If I thought my wife or gf was gonna have a problem with any of my bad habits, she wouldn't even be wife or gf, or know where I live, let alone be going through my garbage to try to bust me for anything. Fuck that being a prisoner in your own home shit. Life is too short. Are you so gameless that you can't find a chick that accepts you as-is? You guys hold on to that poontang with a death grip like it's the last piece of ass you'll ever get-and with your wussy attitudes, it probably is. Pathetic. Please do not have children and pass on your moronic DNA to someone that has no choice in the matter.
And if you're some college student living under you parent's roof, maybe you should become self sufficient before you start jabbing needles in your ass? Especially if you're not paying any rent. I'm sure your parents would love knowing that you're using your $ for gear. In essence, they're the one buying it for you if you can't afford to live on your own. I'm sure that would go over like a fart in church. Nothing like taking advantage of your parents! That's a noble trait. Not!