Tell me you don't have air conditioning...please. C' haven't become a pretty boy have you? I bet that the 45's are covering up the gel in your hair huh?
Tell me you don't have air conditioning...please. C' haven't become a pretty boy have you? I bet that the 45's are covering up the gel in your hair huh?
Get it straight....there isnt an air conditioner in my garage...I dont even have a "broken fan" in my garage.
Check the avatar...definitely not a pretty boy.
And the plates are covered with CHALK and RUST...just like they should be.
And another thing. Those "chicken legs" (no offense) sticking out from under that squat bar DO NOT BELONG TO ME...they are The Projects...I was on camera detail.
And another thing. Those "chicken legs" (no offense) sticking out from under that squat bar DO NOT BELONG TO ME...they are The Projects...I was on camera detail.
Great pictures, Spatts and Hannibal!!! look like you have come a long way!!! Nice job!!! Spatts...I love the picture of your son dragging that sled...that's classic!!!
Hannibal...The Asylum looks SWEET! I would love to have something like that to workout in. Let me tell you...I have become spoiled working out in B fold's gym because I don't have to leave the house and put up with all those frilly people in my gym who want to know why the heck I'm strolling around the gym and up the stairs with 50 lb. dumbbells!! LOL...
Looks like you put a lot of work into it, and hopefully one day, we can come out and train with you two in YOUR gym!!!
Thanks Fly a long way to go. Still need to go get the Reverse Hyper. Still need to get the flooring issues worked out. But it is a work in process, and serves its purpose.
We actually have The Project training with us full time now. No more "pretty boy" stuff...he is working for strength. And his progress (though I give him shit on a regular basis) is nothing short of amazing. At one point Spatts wasnt allowing him to deadlift because of his "back issues" he pulled 6 singles with 133, and had ALOT more in the tank...these were speed deadlifts, not max effort.
And Spatts...what can I say? Definite natural as a strength athlete. Even though her back is a little "FUBAR" at the moment from the morning session...her comeback from injury was tremedous. She is stronger now than ever. And now that she is actually training for her strengths the sky is most definitely the limit.
As for myself...dont even want to talk about it. Got my ass kicked in my own gym. I know I am weak...but at least I'm slow. "Dont call it a comeback"
I have to be hard on myself....I'm the only person that I truly have to compete with. Besides if I was ever satisfied with were I was I would become complacent.