What Type of Body do I even have?
Part 1. How important are genetics?
There is no way around genetics, some people either have a full deck of cards, and some a quarter a deck. There are some people (that you either know/seen or have encountered) that can eat ANYTHING, and still have that ripped set of ABS. You should REALIZE this fact, not deny it. Use the knowledge of knowing what type of genetics your body has. If you don’t, then this is 1. Denial and 2. VERY counterproductive. The Only way around bad genetics is to realize that you have them, and that you personally will have to have more self control than those who are “gifted”. Everyone in the world doesn’t have the genes to be next Arnold, but at least we can realize that and work with what we have to get the best looking YOU can. Anyone can change their appearance/physique with some hard work and dedication, so your goal should be to achieve WHAT YOUR BEST IS, not some “genetic freak’s” best.
There are certain things that affect fat loss, muscle development and fitness.
1. Basal metabolic rate
It is usually abbreviate at BMR. Your ‘BMR’ is the amount of calories you burn at rest to maintain your bodily functions such as, digestion, breathing and anything has to do with life. The “Genetic Freak” I talked about earlier has a higher BMR. Think of it like this, a car, when it idles it can idle at 2,000 RPM or 5,000 RPM. Now the Car that’s idling at 5,000 would be a “Genetic Freak”. Obviously the 5,000 RPM gas will burn more fuel than the more economic counterpart. So another obvious is the “Genetic Freak” will also burn fuel at a very high rate when he/she becomes active.
2. Number of fat cell
Everyone was born with a set number of Fat cells. Some are born with more fat cells then other are. The people who are born with the higher number of fat cells are at a disadvantage then those with fewer (once again genetics play a huge role). You CAN increase the amount of FAT cells you have, but you CANNOT decrease them, once they are there, they are there to stay. I mean the only option to decrease fat cells is liposuction, which is a dangerous procedure. BUT GOOD NEWS, we can shrink our FAT cells, everyone can. Through Diet/Exercise your Fat cells will shrink and you will become dramatically thinner and leaner.
3. Limb lengths
Some people have longer legs then others, some have longer arms, some have longer torso, and so on. As with everything, each person is different, especially with body symmetry. Your limbs not only affect the look and appearance of your body, but affect the leverage you have during exercise. Longer Limbs creates a disadvantage, just because your leverage is bad. Some people are just born with great leverage. Take an example, someone with long arms, might find it harder to handle heavy weight on the bench press, just because his bar has to travel 20inches, rather then someone with short arms, where thier bar only has to travel 12iches.
4. Muscle insertions
We don’t hear too much about our muscle inserts, but it’s very important. Every muscle is “inserted” on to the same bones in everyone, BUT as with everything in the human body, everyone’s insertions are different! Depending on your specific muscle insertion it could an amazing advantage, but could also mean the other end of the scale, a huge disadvantage. This is why your buddy, who is 5’8, no muscle can still Deadlift more then you.
5. Number of muscle fibers
Just like your fat cells, you were born with a set number of muscle fibers.
There is a theory, hyperplasia, which is the process of taking existing muscle fiber and splitting it into new muscle fibers, but this process has not been fully proven in humans (yet). The more muscle fibers you are born with, the better chance for you in developing more muscle size.
6. Muscle fiber type
Just like we have our predetermined number of muscle fibers, we have different TYPES of muscle fibers. The two types of muscle fibers are, RED AKA slow twitch fibers, and WHITE AKA fast twitch fibers. Basically endurance athletes have more RED twitch fibers, while strength/power activities have more white twitch fibers. The ratio between white twitch fibers and red twitch fibers explain why some people are naturally runners while others enjoy the sport of power lifting.
7. Digestive capabilities
This is a quick one to realize, some people just have better digestive capabilities then others, the length of the intestinal tract can vary as much as fifteen feet or more depending on the person’s body type.
8. Insulin response and sensitivity to carbohydrates
There are just some people who touch bread their insulin levels fly up. While others it doesn’t matter too much. Your personal level of sensitive to carbs will directly affect your weight loss journey. If you are one of the carb sensitive people, you will have to adjust your diet according to your own body. If you don’t curve your nutrition to incorporate your insulin sensitivity, you will have an incredible difficult time loosing fat. This is what happens to someone who is very carb sensitive.
• Eat Carbs.
• Insulin Skyrockets with the smallest portion of carbohydrates.
• When there are high levels on insulin in your blood, you are “lipogenic” and “anti-lipolytic”. This basically means, your body basically stops releasing fat from the adipose cells and your body triggers what we call “ fat storage mode”
This is why we have to really watch OURSELVES and really notice that genetics play a huge part in this game.