New member
Lol, I'd be careful saying seals suck on land. They get deployed in all kinds of environments.
Typical BUD/S training if I remember right has them running 6 miles a day IN sand with boondockers on in addition to a retarded amount of other things.
Army rangers are awesome. Marine Force Recon are awesome. Seal training is the hardest. Many army rangers and recons have tried and failed seal training.
I have studied up on the training of all the elite branches of the military and I knew a recon before I went to boot camp.
Air Force Pararescue are some badass mofo's.
I'm gonna have to disagree....I knew a guy that did BUD/s, RIP (Ranger indoctrination program), ranger school, and special forces selection. He said that his favorite unit was Special forces by far, and that many SEALs couldnt handle ranger school because they were not used to the type of patrolling involved, and got some horrible blisters and had to recycle the class. BUD/s is hardcore (I'm gonna admit something I hate to admit right here) but Force Recon was BY FAR the hardest unit to survive in.
Here's an article posted in my log from a couple days ago:
Force Recon PT
Also read the required preparation:
Training to Be a RECON Marine
You should be doing 20 mile hikes with 4-5 mph pace with 50+pounds. That's crazy speed. They always ran 20 miles a day, plus thousands of bodyweight exercises, topped off with a swim for shits and giggles. I think marines are arrogant motherfuckers but damn that is some badass shit.
And honeslty SEALs do not have a very good reputation in the army. SEALs are best in water though, only because Force Recon no longer exists, and everyone knows marines get crappy gear. I've read lots of books and SEALs consistenly shoot everything to shit. One story where they were guarding a dignitary a guy tried to stab the dignitary, and a teenager tackled the attacker, and they lit all 3 of them up like a Christmas tree.
Still this is so useless for people to be arguing which is best, ya gotta do em all to find out ahhhaa