thanks miked, studmuffin (love that name

and jdid. No jdid I dont know how to send a file through sending that picture to miked?

you might have to get his email or some shit
Saturday 7/10/10
Run: 2 miles 14:19
----split into----
1 lap easy (2:00 or so pace)
1 lap fast (1:30 and faster pace)
repeated that set 4 times alternated easy. fast., easy. fast till I got 2 miles
Scale: 7.5 last fast one was killer....not too far off puking.....I was going almost as fast as I could and I only got a 1:32 lol!!!!!
I really need to work on my speed cause I can't imagine running a 5:14 mile like I used to, just running a 1:20 lap (5:20 mile pace) was hard.
Pushups and Situps
X4 20 pushups, 20 situps, 30 seconds rest btw sets, done 20 pu's, then 20 situps, then 20 pushups, etc
80 situps, 80 pushups