Thursday 6/11/10
1x1x255 easy
2x0x275 WTF!!!
1x0x265 thats just fucked up.....
1x1x255 (after the other shit this was actually kind of hard)
1x1x240 paused by now this was actually hard!
DB rows (super strict)
3x10xheaviest db
paused bench
1x1x245 (fucking hard lockout)
Comments: WTF! Probably worst workout of my life, so fucking pissed off. I was hoping to not lose strength from all the time off, but I did. Also I haven't benched wide grip in 3 weeks. I did some floor pressing but barely any, only a set or 2. FUCK!
1. Bodyweight was down 193.4 post workout
--------causes---havent had a meal for 4 hours before workout
------------dehydrated, actually felt thirsty meaning 2% dehydration
2. Missing so many workouts
3. Lockout strength was shit
------------I havent done triceps work or bench accessory work in a while....bad mistake
I didnt even realize though cause I didnt feel hungry so I forgot my preworkout meal....also I didnt take much rest so that may have been a problem. The weird thing was 255x1 felt really easy? I even have a video and it shot up pretty good. This was one fucked workout though....I'll stop arking about it now though (anyone get the "arking" reference haha sorry if you are reading this ark it's just a joke: )
Mike: Hold off your laughing at my failure man I'll get you yet!
Southern: I really like the fat gripz but to be honest my training has been sporadic and shitty lately with no arm work so I havent got a chance to use them much