Probably will make it harder but I wanted to be ready for backpacking. bTW, the backpacking trip got fucked because we found out there is still 6 feet of snow there

Were're gonna find a new trip
Tuesday 6/15/10
135x5 (db over)
225x5 (db over)
275x3(db over)
315x3(db over)
345x1(db over)
385x1(db over) Possibly a pr cause I've never gone that heavy db over
Cable Pullthroughs
Weighted pullups
1x3x45 (used band to attach weight made it really hard)
1x3x45 belt
Comments: Fun workout, but not great. I remember hearing that most people lose 5% strength after 2 weeks of no lifting, and I thought oh that isnt much. But 5% of 405x5 is 385x5. Shit. Anyway 410 felt really heavy and I couldnt have gotten a 3rd rep even I HATE LOSING STRENGTH! I went to do another set but I talked to a girl for 30 minutes and thought the rest would help, buyI just lost my aggression and could barely do 385x1 lol I did really like pullthroughs though, good stuff!