EM: Thanks man haha with the knife thing you have no idea how many times I have gotten fucked up by those knives. For the first couple months I had them I was always trying to learn new tricks and shit so my hands got fucked up, I have the scars to prove it. But now I rarely ever flip them, this was the first time in a while, so I just do basic tricks and don't get cut
About the formula, check this out:
Virtualmeet.net: Rankings Calculator
Just enter your weight, age, and max bench in pounds or kilos and it will give you a ranking. I did it for you and if you paused 231x1 with solid form at age 15 and 205 pounds bodyweight, you would be ranked 26th of all time, but the thing is most of the records were set a while back and with the recent comps barely anyone competes so you could get top 3 easy. I'm just doing it for the hell of it
jdid: thanks man I know I looked bored but that is just the look of concentration I get haha
gladiator: thanks man I am still a skinny fucker haha but I haven'/t run in a while so maybe thats helping. As for my routine I am doing a routine andalite gave me on page 75 of my log, I just have to buy some plates cause I am back to my old gym with only 380, not enough for deads
Miked: Thanks man! Still not as thick as you though you were looking good in your avatar! (no homo hahah)
BTW, I know it is kind of hard but what would you guys estimat my bodyfat percentage to be from the back flex?
Also, did you guys notice the gnarly case of poison oak on the left side of my back? Sucks