Need somebody to convince me I'm not over eating!! I'm not serious but damn I can't stop .. I put back at least 5k calories today probably more 350 grams protein no clue on the rest but healthy stuff , oats oats oats peanut butter tons of fish oils, more peanut butter ! Sweet potato , 1000 calories of quickmass ( believe it or not since using quickmass I seem to have no problems digesting anything) chicken , eggs egg whites Greek yogurt... I ate all these items today.. And I could honestly eat more. Oh and I ate a 800 cal chicken pita wrap! I should add I bumped up prop from 50/day to 75 per day and after 3 days I feel a noticeable surge in energy, and mood! Mast is still 50/day . Going to finish my last month or so with beast, started it a few day ago at 20 mgs a day am/pm and not many sides to note so far , except I feel strong and can rep forever. I just want to go lift again even though it's gettig late and i just ate 2 k calorie dinner, I feel powered and ready to move heavy things!