Being a male i cannot REALLY relate to the female orgasm, but i've always pictured a female-orgasm as a videotape of a male orgasm, played slomotion
with the distinct difference that there seems to be a more all-over the body rush for the ladies while the man feel it mainly between te legs
(and in the stomach if its a first class orgasm)
However what nature does not give us, man takes by technology:
- clomid, HCG extends male orgasms, due to more semen
- My all time fav: GHB + small dose of mushrooms
GHB by itself makes me feel like i get a blowjob, also it dilates bloodvessels thereby giving you a fatter cock and you "feel" your blood pumping in your bloodvessels in your fingers, toes and dick, like an internal massage, it's very sensual
- small dose of mushrooms, just enough to enhance the tactile sensations and mushrooms kind of put your your prostate under electricity, when you come, you feel it coming from ground zero, and it will sometimes take univers collapsing proportions totally blowing you away......
Funny thing is, you get the most brightest neon coloured rainbow hallucinations when you come on shrooms....