Tea is better for you than water.
Easier on your stomach than coffee (and has less caffeine per cup).
It also has more antioxidants than coffee (stronger antioxidants as well).
I've had some badass Rooibos ("red tea"). Its from Africa.
It's not actually a tea, its a TISANE (non-tea tea).
Plus tea
gets you high, check this out:
I quit drinking all the diet pops with Aspartame when I found out it breaks down to FORMALDEHYDE in your body (a proven carcinogen). I still drink soft drinks with Splenda though. Pibb Zero, Coke Zero, Pepsi One are all fire. I try to avoid all pop these days because the acid eats your teeth and stomach lining whether its diet or not.
Crystal Light and pop with Citric Acid (think lemon-lime flavored ones) actually eat your teeth even faster than the phosphoric acid in most soft drinks. Plus too much citric acid can trick your body into having a reaction like the drink actually contained sugar.
I'd say if you're gonna be strict about your drinks, stick with water, unsweetened tea, tisanes, coffee w/sugar-free creamer (black coffee is SICK), and protein shakes (whey & water).
If you're going to drink alcohol, stick with red wine. 1-2 beers may be beneficial, any more and you're getting extra cals PLUS ESTROGENIC effects (from the hops/barley).
Rumor has it there are about to be some gluten-free beers hitting the US market soon (made from sorghum). It's already selling like hotcakes in Africa & a few other places.
Note: Adding milk/dairy products to tea will GREATLY diminish the beneficial effects as casein bonds most of the antioxidants. Green Tea is loaded with EGCG.
Black Tea is loaded with a different class of Catechins and a small amount of EGCG.
White tea is healthier than all other forms of tea because its the least processed.
Anyone know where to get bulk theanine?