Honestly I am more motivated by the powerlifting board than this one here, but this is a great board. I used to be a big fish in a small pond. Not too many strong people where I lifted. But then I built a gym at my home, called it the DUNGEON, and became part of a cyber gym.
No longer is a 400 plus bench impressive. Powerlifterjay has done 625, and he is a part of my cybergym, cause he is on elite. No longer is a 400 plus deadlift going to cut it. Arioch pulls over 700. He is part of my cybergym too. We compare notes here. A 500 squat is no longer something to write home about, cause Freak 19 beats that by 300 freakin pounds.
Funny. I am always the strongest person in my gym, cause it is in my house, but since I started training there, I have been comparing myself to the really strong people in my cyber gym, and my lifts have gone way up. They have to. I have a lot of catching up to do.