I completely agree.
You are what you eat, or garbage/rubbish in = garbage/rubbish out.
There are those that are 'lucky' and can eat whatever they want and train and not have to worry about bodyfat.
I was one of those.
I became a veggie quite young, and although I am not now (I didn't like eggs enough to be a veggie bodybuilder), it did help me to learn how to feed myself better.
However, just because it is in a health food store, it does not make it healthy food. A lot of the swirly granola crunchy tree hugging organic food is FULL of sugar (even if it is organic brown cane sugar).
Anyway, I could eat whatever I wanted, and as long as I was training, no problem.
It did catch up with me though, and when I moved to England and in the first 6-9 months of getting settled, not training etc, I put on 3 stone, 45 lbs or 20 kg of FLAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Needless to say, I lost the weight, but I didn't train, and all I ended up was being a lot smaller and fat.
Like I have said, I am lucky (mesomorph type), and within a month to a month and a half of training I was back in shape again.
It has been a process in learning what my body responds too (it likes meat), and I have also learned that even off season I have to be responsible.
Not taking any pharma fat burners, I don't get the severe rebound of fat gain people often get when they come off, and after being able to eat 2000-3000 kcals/day just to maintain muscle at 10% bodyfat, I thought I was a bit bomb proof, WRONG
I would assert that most peeps do not have a clue about nutrition. If they did, they wouldn't be running to take so many performance enhancing drugs, it is possible to get a great physique without them, just takes a bit longer and a bit more effort.
But the thing about doing it without drugs, you keep your gains...........