New member
I'm "on" and wouldl like to workout in the gym 4 times per week. My program starting tomorrow looks like this:
(rp = rest paused, 30 seconds between each set..3 sets 8 reps first one, then 6 reps, then 3 reps )
Deads 1 x 15-20
Squat 1 x 15-20
Chins RP 17
Leg press RP 17
Bicepc curl RP 17
Hammercurl 1 x 10
Flat Benchpress RP 17
Military press RP 17
Scullcruchers or Dips RP 17
calfs RP 17
Traps RP 17
Wedn: OFF
Thu: Same as mon but stiffed legged deads, and no leg press.
Fri: As Tuesday but incline bench, Military press behind neck, Dips or Sculls, Calfs
I will change movements each time. Eat big(increasing cals another +500).
What do you think?
(rp = rest paused, 30 seconds between each set..3 sets 8 reps first one, then 6 reps, then 3 reps )
Deads 1 x 15-20
Squat 1 x 15-20
Chins RP 17
Leg press RP 17
Bicepc curl RP 17
Hammercurl 1 x 10
Flat Benchpress RP 17
Military press RP 17
Scullcruchers or Dips RP 17
calfs RP 17
Traps RP 17
Wedn: OFF
Thu: Same as mon but stiffed legged deads, and no leg press.
Fri: As Tuesday but incline bench, Military press behind neck, Dips or Sculls, Calfs
I will change movements each time. Eat big(increasing cals another +500).
What do you think?