I've been having around 260 grams of Carbs, 340 grams of protein, and 60 grams of fat every single day. I've been slowly losing fat and maintaining or even building some muscle.
This is your first cycle bro. I think you will still grow on 3000 cals, 340+ grams protein, 300 grams carbs and lose a little bit of fat at the same time because of the drugs and your naturally high metabolism. You still have plenty more muscle to gain so don't really cut too much. I think on my first cycle I was taking in like 400+ grams protein, 600+ grams carbs and I only went up maybe 3% in bf, which was very easily lost as soon as I did some cardio and ECA. Just eat a super clean diet and you should still stay around 10% bf while growing in muscle. The ECA and Tren should let you burn fat while still gaining muscle so I wouldn't worry too much about cutting. But it's your call man.