Selfcentor said:
How much you yall spend on average during a cycle?? I went today and got some food and spent 15 dollars on meats and good carbs which the meat will last me today and the carbs only a few days.?? Just wondering how much yall spend.
Thats a good question!
At least $25 a day easy.(red meat, fish, chicken every day)
Did you ever see the movie Jaws?
Ok I eat like Jaws so in order to keep my food bill DOWN I shop at 4 different stores to get what I need.
Costco: Eggs 5 dozen packs, milk 2 gal pack, meat IF on sale, nuts, bulk
Sprouts Health food store for produce and meat IF on sale, bulk pasta, bulk rice, bulk oatmeal, bulk bulk bulk
2 Normal food stores to pick up other things and meat IF on sale.
Extra Freezer works great when the stores super sale meat I fill that bastard up like its Y2K!