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cortisone shots interaction w/aas


What ever it is, it just kills the pain for a while while you heal, it will not interfere with your gear, but your lifting will interfere with your recouperation.
solidspine said:

What ever it is, it just kills the pain for a while while you heal, it will not interfere with your gear, but your lifting will interfere with your recouperation.

damn i know lifting would interfer. everyone gets one me for it. what would you do to try and stay big/in shape?
jackedcpa said:
so i put up my first post a while back-- talking about how i have a torn rotator cuff. the doc says i need surgery and is suggesting shots of cortisone in the meantime.
i know i shouldnt be working out but i cant just "stop". i hit legs real hard and can only use machines for most upper body parts. i also just started using small amounts of eq (300 mg/week for 15 weeks is what i planned on doing) 5 weeks ago. believe it or not i actually feel the drug at those low doses and it makes my shoulder feel better. i am trying hard to maintain or even harden up a bit since i cant go heavy.
but how will the cortisone intefer with the eq in my system? i know i shouldnt be on gear so dont talk shit to me. i def. need surgery. should i go w/ cortisone or not. i dont want to unless it will actually help to heal my injury. advice on recuperation, healing, training, drugs, supps..........please. thanks

coritisone is a band aid until surgery times. In some injuries it can be very long lasting by allowing your injury to heal while steroid does it work. For a torn rotator cuff, surgery is the only answer, it cannot heal, coritizone just reduces inflamation to get you thru it, dont put off rotator cuff surgery, get done asap, it will only tear more, will never grow back without surgical help.
Not only is cortizone a bandaid it reduces inflamation which is a prime factor in the healing cascade so lifting while on it just asking to turn the tear into a complete seperation. Before you get the cortisone shot, do yourself a favor and do a search on prolotherapy if nothing else.
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