i am 35 and have commenced recovery from 17 years of eating disorders. i used to also be a competitive swimmer and generally enjoy exercise once i get started!
at my worst i was still on about 1000cals a day so was never in major starvation mode.
however, two weeks ago was diagnosed with osteoporosis so need to build up muscle and bone asap!
i have noticed since i inc my daily intake to 1400-1500 cals my arms have grown considerably...before that i could get my fingers to touch around my upper arm!!! my dietitian says it is merely from glycogen and fluid replenishment in the muscle but it did freak me out for a few days
i have been doing some basic upper body weights at home for nearly two weeks, just using 3kg dumbells as i was told not to go heavy for a while to avoid stress fractures.
my questions for you wise people are:
1) How do I need to tweak my intake to maximize muscle gain
I am mainly confused re the protein intake..
I read that to build muscle you need protein
But also that too much protein negatively impacts bone development
2)Interestingly even after 3-4 days of lower intake from having gastro I aint got ANY smaller in arms, and I CANT have built muscle strength that quickly can I?
3) is my dietitian for real re the glyc/fluid or is she trying to protect me from freaking about my arms?!?!
4)Guess this is triple complicated ie recovering anorexia, osteo,and trying to build muscle and strength!
5)What exercises can I do for strengthening lower back, given that that L1 (lumbar1 vertebrae) was my worst T score. all i was told was avoid situps
currently my exercise regime is focused mainly on biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest, and i also walk about 2km 3times a week. i was keen to get an exercycle but was told walking is better as it is weight bearing
any advice on any of these qs would be very gratefully received.
i eat clean, and am also taking magnesium, calcium, fish oil and a multi
at my worst i was still on about 1000cals a day so was never in major starvation mode.
however, two weeks ago was diagnosed with osteoporosis so need to build up muscle and bone asap!
i have noticed since i inc my daily intake to 1400-1500 cals my arms have grown considerably...before that i could get my fingers to touch around my upper arm!!! my dietitian says it is merely from glycogen and fluid replenishment in the muscle but it did freak me out for a few days
i have been doing some basic upper body weights at home for nearly two weeks, just using 3kg dumbells as i was told not to go heavy for a while to avoid stress fractures.
my questions for you wise people are:
1) How do I need to tweak my intake to maximize muscle gain
I am mainly confused re the protein intake..
I read that to build muscle you need protein
But also that too much protein negatively impacts bone development
2)Interestingly even after 3-4 days of lower intake from having gastro I aint got ANY smaller in arms, and I CANT have built muscle strength that quickly can I?
3) is my dietitian for real re the glyc/fluid or is she trying to protect me from freaking about my arms?!?!
4)Guess this is triple complicated ie recovering anorexia, osteo,and trying to build muscle and strength!
5)What exercises can I do for strengthening lower back, given that that L1 (lumbar1 vertebrae) was my worst T score. all i was told was avoid situps
currently my exercise regime is focused mainly on biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest, and i also walk about 2km 3times a week. i was keen to get an exercycle but was told walking is better as it is weight bearing
any advice on any of these qs would be very gratefully received.
i eat clean, and am also taking magnesium, calcium, fish oil and a multi