There are some threads on here to work out your required calories for the day, then you have to split up the total calories you need into the percentages of protein, carbs and fats.
Otherwise you are just guessing at what you will need. Everyone is different.
I run three days low carbs (I am at about 50 g/day) then one day high (200 g/day).
My fat is low on high carb days, and around 70-90 g on low carb days.
Personally, I couldn't do NO CARB days, cause that would leave very little to eat, I can't go without veggies, and I think you can get the same effect without such drastic measures.
Get some keto sticks to check your urine everynow and then to see if you are in ketosis. You don't want the sticks drastically changing colour, (mine only shift after cardio on empty) as the ketone bodies are also used as fuel in the body (in particular the brain).
Carb cycling is often used for competition diets, you may want to try something more suitable for day to day living, like carb tapering or carb curfews, which is stopping all starchy carbs (like bread, rice potatoes.........) after 4-5 in the afternoon, and only eating fibrous carbs (leafy green veg, broccolli, cauliflower) in the evening.
You keep the protein more or less constant through all of this.