ok, i posted a thread a few weeks back but was unclear and it was cluster F*$Ked. here is my whole workout plan with times and activity. i need some help with what to eat, when to eat it. that way it carries me through the day, with enough energy and nutrients. the amount of activity is very high, but the is a reason for it. i have some upcoming things with work that require this amount of activity. so i am training on my own right now. i'm open to any suggestions, as far as eating goes and my PT plan. so here it goes. i would like to add some leg workouts in there for explosiveness and strength. never really trained my legs much, so will need a plan for that. when i do lift weights it's lite weight/high reps for muscle endurance. my whole thing is i need stamina and and endurance.
Mon/Wed/Fri (morning) 0430
4-6 mile run
roman chairs for 5 mins
sit ups(reg)
3 sets of 30-50
leg levers
3 sets of 20
flutter kicks
3 sets of 50 (4 count)
atomic sit ups
3 sets of 20
3 sets of 25
hanging leg raises
3 sets of 25
kness ups
3 sets of 25
decline sit ups with weight
3 sets of 30
Mon/Wed/Fri lunch 1200
Push up workout (3 sets of 30,25,20,15,10) with a minute inbetween each set
then i do pull ups and dips.
Mon/Thurs 1530
shoulders/traps (everything is 2-3 sets of 15
arnold presses
military press
standing lateral raisies to the side
standing front raises
upright rows
dumbell shrugs
barbell shrugs
*then every night mon-fri/sat morning i will swim for around 1 hour around 1830-2000.
4-6 mile run
then i do whats called a "time saver"
10reps of each,right after one and another for 20 sets as follows
atomic situps
diamond pushup
4 count flutter kick
dive bomber push ups
tue/thurs 1200
2-3 mile pants and boots run
this is where i would like to add my leg workout in
tues/friday 1530 2-3 sets of 15 reps
incline bench
decline bench
standing cable crossovers
standing lower cable crossovers
machine flys
close grip bench
rope pull downs
cable pull downs
skull crushers
Wed/Sat 2-3 sets of 15
pull ups to failure (reg/wide/close/reverse grip)
lat pull downs
close/med grip pull downs
bent over rows
dumbell rows
back extensions 3 sets of 30
standing barbell curl
preacher curl
preacher with dumbell
seated alterante curls
now i need to know when the right times to place my meals would be. and what to eat. like turkey, tuna, chicken, rice,veggies,fruit. also i take a protein shake. i read alot about flax oil, not sure what it does. would i need that. any suggestions are appreciated. serious ones only please. i know it is alot. but i'll need to prepare my body for it.
Mon/Wed/Fri (morning) 0430
4-6 mile run
roman chairs for 5 mins
sit ups(reg)
3 sets of 30-50
leg levers
3 sets of 20
flutter kicks
3 sets of 50 (4 count)
atomic sit ups
3 sets of 20
3 sets of 25
hanging leg raises
3 sets of 25
kness ups
3 sets of 25
decline sit ups with weight
3 sets of 30
Mon/Wed/Fri lunch 1200
Push up workout (3 sets of 30,25,20,15,10) with a minute inbetween each set
then i do pull ups and dips.
Mon/Thurs 1530
shoulders/traps (everything is 2-3 sets of 15
arnold presses
military press
standing lateral raisies to the side
standing front raises
upright rows
dumbell shrugs
barbell shrugs
*then every night mon-fri/sat morning i will swim for around 1 hour around 1830-2000.
4-6 mile run
then i do whats called a "time saver"
10reps of each,right after one and another for 20 sets as follows
atomic situps
diamond pushup
4 count flutter kick
dive bomber push ups
tue/thurs 1200
2-3 mile pants and boots run
this is where i would like to add my leg workout in
tues/friday 1530 2-3 sets of 15 reps
incline bench
decline bench
standing cable crossovers
standing lower cable crossovers
machine flys
close grip bench
rope pull downs
cable pull downs
skull crushers
Wed/Sat 2-3 sets of 15
pull ups to failure (reg/wide/close/reverse grip)
lat pull downs
close/med grip pull downs
bent over rows
dumbell rows
back extensions 3 sets of 30
standing barbell curl
preacher curl
preacher with dumbell
seated alterante curls
now i need to know when the right times to place my meals would be. and what to eat. like turkey, tuna, chicken, rice,veggies,fruit. also i take a protein shake. i read alot about flax oil, not sure what it does. would i need that. any suggestions are appreciated. serious ones only please. i know it is alot. but i'll need to prepare my body for it.