Week 2 Day 3
I arrived at the gym to find that I'd left my log book at home so I had to guess/remember what weights I was planning to use today. In the end, I forgot my reverse hypers but I was feeling fairly spent after the side bends. I think that I would have done only 95Kg on the rows had I had my book with me so that was a bonus.
I was feeling a little anxious before the last set of squats but once I took the bar from the rack I knew it was going to be fine. Similarly with the bench, the weight felt a shade easier than expected. I knew rows were going to be an effort when I did the first set but I just kept tight and pounded them out. I think it was without loss of form, too. My back was aching from Wednesday's deads.
I think the gear is starting to show signs of kicking in. The exercises were a shade easier than expected but it could just be the conditioning boost that comes from being in week 2. Tomorrow will make a full fortnight and I'll see what next week brings. I have to be aiming to leave the gym on an empty tank next week and I need to work out just how/when to be deloading and reloading.
Weights in Kilos, last week's in orange.
ATF Squat
20x10, 30x10, 60x5, 80x5, 90x5, 105x5, 120x5
20x10, 30x10, 60x5, 70x5, 85x5, 100x5, 115x5, 130x5
20x10N, 40x8S, 60x5W, 80x3N, 105x5x5 WSNSW
20x10N, 40x8S, 60x5W, 80x3W, 100x2W, 110x5x5 W
BB Row
20x10, 60x5, 80x5, 90x5x5
20x10, 60x5, 80x3, 100x5x5
DB Side Bend
45x8, 60x8 for 3 sets
55x8, 65x8 for 3 sets
Reverse Hypers
None, I forgot them.