Try breaking rock for a while with a long handle 6lb mini sledge. I have to do this at work and my forearms get so pumped I can't close my hands after a while. Really hits the upper forearm.
LOL, wasn't what I was thinking, but yah, that would toast my forearms. Sometimes I have to carry these heavy awkward oil drums around at work, and it toasts my forearms.
Sledge work does hit 'em hard. I worked construction for a while. I still remember breaking up large chunks of guy standing above it with a jackhammer, and one standing next to it smacking the crap out of it with an 8lb until it broke. We did this most of the day. I remember how unhappy my hands and forearms were for a couple days after that.
Scotsman, how do you stay that damn big while working a hard labor job? I could barely maintain.
Thaibox I eat like a fucking madman. Also a lot of my job is sitting around with my thumb up my ass doing analysis work and writing client correspondences and reports. Also I am not big for my family my brother is about 330 and my dad is like 310-315 and they are both about and inch and a half shorter than me. Just good genetics for staying big.