TheCorsican said:whats with this "low-carb" shit? Carbs don't make you fat.
forget that greedy ass capitalist dr. atkins. 90% of the population will suffer from heart disease within next few years.
it will be like the movie "I am Legend". No one left on the planet
What? seeing as how low carb diets will eliminate cheesburgers, pizzas, candy, donuts...pretty much everything that you average uneducated joe has known was not healthy for you since before the time of atkins, ill say that you are wrong. i wouldn't go no carb for the rest of my life, but there is no doubt about the fact that eliminating foods that are high in carbs, high in bad fats, high in bad cholesterol, etc, etc will make sure that you stay lean and healthy for a long time.
if you personally eat these things regularly and dont get fat, then you are probably an ectomorph, and will have to try hard to get fat...until you get older that is. but remeber that a good deal of the population isnt like this.
for a healthy, long term diet, i would eat well balanced and only when hungry. you have to train your body to use food, not abuse it.