Well, I got two of em tonight, so I'll get right to it...
Barbell Rows -- bar, 135x12 warmup.
185x10, 225x10, 255x8, 285x7, 305x6, 315x5! and the PR set !!!325x2!!!
Deadlifts 135x12 warmup
225x1, 255x1,285x1,305x1,345x1,385x1, 405x1 and PR set 425x1 (Up from my high of 415x1)
So with 2 PR's under my belt (or on my back?) I went to try the face pulls...
Now, I used the tricep rope, like SOMEONE told me to use... as i don't have bands... and this exercise felt like I was spinning my wheels in the dirt... literally... a waste of time. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong, I don't know, I mimiced Spatt's form, and even practiced in my family room all weekend... ack.
So I did 3 sets of those, and then 4 sets of lat pull downs with the stack + 45.
OH yeah, the hero part... a kid, probably not older than 18 saw me doing my barbell rows on the 315 set... and came over and said "You're my hero" he then asked what I was saying during my set. I told him I'm not sure, did it sound like Rage? He said it sounded like you were grunting something... (I must grunt?)
Anyway, I showed him on another rack how to do barbell rows before I attempted my 325 set and he was really appreciative... I also showed him how to do deads... smart kid... listening to me
Seated Bicep curls 35x10, 45x7, 50x5, 50x5
Cross body hammer curls 50x10, 60x10, 70x6
Hanging concentration curls 35x 8, 35x8
Reverse curls 95x10, 105x10,115x8, 65x 25
I've got my back workout planned now... pretty much I'm going to keep barbell rows in there, as long as I can keep making gain and then, I'm going to drop it down and try to work on some volume work... maybe build some strength that way... that should be in about a month or so... back in Chicago.
I might stop going for PR's on Deads and maybe work on some lower weight rep work... like on 225... that would probably come around the same time, if not a little after (staggerd effect) the barbell row change.
I'm also going to keep doing the WS Speed bench for another 6 weeks... then, I"m going to switch to a 5x5 routine that Needsize has talked about... I have done it for biceps, and it seemed to help, after WS, I'm going to give it a go on chest.
Shoulders are coming along nicely... my modified hangs/upright rows are doing spectacular and my lat flies, reverse flies and hammer presses are keeping my shoulders on a constant growth spurt...
As for tri... I've been doing a Heavy day and light day... that seems to be working for strength... but not size... I might switch to a 5x5 program for them... but adding in a few twists... such as a high weight set at the end of the 5x5... and then go onto the higher rep ones... I tihnk it is worth a shot.
I have added Zerchers... I am VERY impressed with them... I am thinking of adding in Box Squats,although, I don't know exactly what they are used for... ? But they sound fun... perhaps... perhaps in a month I will add them, after the shock of the Zerch's have worn down
I need, desperately need a good ab routine, I think some of my lower back pian, if not all stems from a weak abdominal routine.
Barbell Rows -- bar, 135x12 warmup.
185x10, 225x10, 255x8, 285x7, 305x6, 315x5! and the PR set !!!325x2!!!

Deadlifts 135x12 warmup
225x1, 255x1,285x1,305x1,345x1,385x1, 405x1 and PR set 425x1 (Up from my high of 415x1)
So with 2 PR's under my belt (or on my back?) I went to try the face pulls...
Now, I used the tricep rope, like SOMEONE told me to use... as i don't have bands... and this exercise felt like I was spinning my wheels in the dirt... literally... a waste of time. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong, I don't know, I mimiced Spatt's form, and even practiced in my family room all weekend... ack.
So I did 3 sets of those, and then 4 sets of lat pull downs with the stack + 45.
OH yeah, the hero part... a kid, probably not older than 18 saw me doing my barbell rows on the 315 set... and came over and said "You're my hero" he then asked what I was saying during my set. I told him I'm not sure, did it sound like Rage? He said it sounded like you were grunting something... (I must grunt?)
Anyway, I showed him on another rack how to do barbell rows before I attempted my 325 set and he was really appreciative... I also showed him how to do deads... smart kid... listening to me

Seated Bicep curls 35x10, 45x7, 50x5, 50x5
Cross body hammer curls 50x10, 60x10, 70x6
Hanging concentration curls 35x 8, 35x8
Reverse curls 95x10, 105x10,115x8, 65x 25
I've got my back workout planned now... pretty much I'm going to keep barbell rows in there, as long as I can keep making gain and then, I'm going to drop it down and try to work on some volume work... maybe build some strength that way... that should be in about a month or so... back in Chicago.
I might stop going for PR's on Deads and maybe work on some lower weight rep work... like on 225... that would probably come around the same time, if not a little after (staggerd effect) the barbell row change.
I'm also going to keep doing the WS Speed bench for another 6 weeks... then, I"m going to switch to a 5x5 routine that Needsize has talked about... I have done it for biceps, and it seemed to help, after WS, I'm going to give it a go on chest.

Shoulders are coming along nicely... my modified hangs/upright rows are doing spectacular and my lat flies, reverse flies and hammer presses are keeping my shoulders on a constant growth spurt...
As for tri... I've been doing a Heavy day and light day... that seems to be working for strength... but not size... I might switch to a 5x5 program for them... but adding in a few twists... such as a high weight set at the end of the 5x5... and then go onto the higher rep ones... I tihnk it is worth a shot.

I need, desperately need a good ab routine, I think some of my lower back pian, if not all stems from a weak abdominal routine.