New member
Well i started getting ready for this specific meet awhile back. Taking it really slow. Shoulder feels better but i still can feel something. So as we get close i either lower my reps and deal with my pain or just dont competet in Aug. That was easy push through it. Well to my amazement in the last 2 weeks i have found new strength. I have pushed 550 in a meet but 535 was my Pr from Jan 2001. As of last week i benched 535 in the gym Raw. I couldnt believe it. My last set was going to be 500 raw for what i was hopeing would be 2 reps turned out to be 3 reps and went up from there. This last Mon just missed 550 raw mainly on the way i took it down. But either way i am very excite that i benche dmy previous pr (shirt bench) raw. Now next week i will start wearing my brand new shirt. Now i dont know yet but if it fits they way i thoink it does i should get more out of this one then my last couple. My last shirt beforew i hurt my shoulder i got 50lbs paused more then my sloppy touch n go. I did in the gym beofre injury i benched 510 raw (barely) then put the shirt on and hit 565 in the gym paused. So iam really hopen for big numbers Aug 18th. And for the few guys on here that know me in person you know that is some really good overdue progress for me. Oh well thought i would check in and let ya'll know that at least my training is going good. Talk ot ya later.