Here is my New Log
Ty all for supporting
Goal - Gain Muscle and weight ( 20 lbs ) i am skinny so i want to reach at 70 kg and after that i ll gain lean and reduce fat ..
current weight 62 ( 135 lbs ) Work out 4 days a week
Bf - may be 20 % calculated on net

dont have caliper
Milk - 1 cup
Banana - 2
Egg whole boiled = 3
Calorie - 679 , Protein - 30 g , Carbs - 68 g , Fat 33 g
Meal - 2
Potato Boiled Mashed with salt - 5
Soy bean roasted - 100 g
Calorie - 1042 , Protein 52 g , Carbs 169 g , Fat 22 g
Meal - 3 Lunch
Rice - 1 cup
Vegitables - 1cup (I consider Garbanzo Beans ) ( This could be anything like Beans , Legumes etc etc so i dont know properly what my Mom gonna make but as we all know it ll be healthy with carbs n protein stuff )
Egg whites - 5 large eggs ( cooked in pan )
Yogurt - Homemade ( I took its nutrition from internet so nt sure how much correct it is )
Calorie - 634 , Protein - 48 g , Carbs 86 g , Fat 9 g
Meal - 4
Milk - 1 cup
Banana - 3
Soy bean roasted white - 50 g
Calorie - 777 , Protein - 32 g , Carbs - 109 g , Fat - 28 g
Meal - 5 Dinner
Chicken Breast ( without skin ) - 100 g
Lentils or legumes ( wateva Mom Cook ) - 1 cup
Yogurt - 1 cup
Rice - 1 cup
Calorie - 702 g , Protein - 58g , Carbs - 81 g , Fat - 13g
Sorry But at the end calories are high which u guys said to reduce
calorie - 3666 
Protein - 219 g
Carbs - 479 g
Lipids - 107 g
The ratio i got is - 51 / 23 / 26 C/P/F
The Protein in take is about 1.5 / pound
Carbs intake is like 3 - 3.5
Fat - i got 107 something and i am 135 lbs so may be 0.8
Ques . 1 So as you guys suggested calorie is 700 more - Can i Do cardio on Rest Days ? like 20 mints jogging or something ? will this sort out or i need to cut that by managing food again ?
Ques . 2 What should be my Weight Progress by this So that i can check is this working for me or not ?
To gain 20 lbs ( 9 kg ) how much time i should stick in bulking ?
Ty allzzzzzzzzz Love you guys