11 RED states had gay Marriage ban on the ballot...this is a well known Right wing ideology
Marriage is a tradition created by these religious right wingers, civil unions are a better idea.
why do you infer that all conservatives beleive in the moral/religous stance of the far right. Im a conservative because I beleive in these things.
less government (both sides are making it bigger)
military supremacy (critical to people who actually believe in reality)
capitalism ( socialism ruins economies and allows elites all the power ) (in capitalism man is free and bound only by his desire and abilities )
fiscal accountability (Bush has been horrible)
...if you voted for bush you vote to make just about everyone on the planet sad and unhappy
He made the majority of US citizens happy! check the vote. I find it funny how liberals only like to tolerate democracy when it goes their way. Who gives a crap what the world thinks, friggin grow up and read history, we created democracy and freedom, Ill spill my blood before I will answer to anyone but MY ELECTED OFFICIAL, why do the left wingers continually want to give up our power to some sort of world court, a court that is corrupt beyond anything the US has experienced, Charaq and Kofi may go to prison over the food for oil scam, and they should all be treated as war criminals for the horrors they have allowed worldwide.
...abortions are up (Im pro choice, dumb asses should use birth control)
...crime is up (wrong! check the FBI crime reports)
here is one clip
...poverty is up
( could not find any info for 2004, anyways thats a complicated issue, far beyond Bush's control, anyways most economist say that he has handled the economy well, he just tends to say yes to everybill and has spent us into oblivion!)
..children left behind..pain and suffering way the fuck up
what the fu*%^&, put down the bong and turn off the Moore movies.
Provide some actual info please! Im middle class with 2 kids. My wife an I both work hard and are very happy our kids are great, same with my friends. Why do you have such an opinion? Is your opinion by chance what you see and read from the media, or have actually seen this pain and suffering going on everywhere?
....yay 4 more years!!! good job guys !!!Yippee
cheer up and try to see the good things in life. There are always good things in both sides, America is great because of this compromise between extremes.