tan27 said:
I had my son 4 weeks ago I gained 44 pounds.
Pre-preg weight 163. I am down to 180. I have been working out for the last 2 weeks. I'm at 1500 calories doing a 50/30/20 on protien/carbs/fat, I'm 5'9. Will this get me back down to the pre-preg weight?
I lift light with hught reps. my goal is to get lean and rid the fat. My cardio is almost non-existant because of the awful schedule my son is on.
I had an extremely flat stomache before the pregnancy. I have lots of extra skin around my tummy from being streached. When will it go away?
One other question. I did not opt to breast feed. My milk has almost dried up twice but has come back with a vengance. Does running make it come back or something? My doctor told me to bind myself and I ended up getting mastitis.
I am not a women but I can offer some tips as I am a father and I also work in the Operating Room as a nurse that works with palstic surgeons.
Why did you choose to not breast feed?
I will be perfectly straight with you about the affects of pregancy on the female body. I know something about this since I train many ladies that have had kids, and I also work closely with plastic surgeons.
The abdominal wall musculature is severely stretched during the thrid trimester and as a result the abdominal muscles never fully regain their original tone in most women. The muscles themselves can be brought back into great condition but the flat abdominal "look" normally does not completely return. The muscle fascia has been stretched(covering around the muscles) and it does not normally return to its pre pregancy form.
The extra skin(loose abdominal skin) in the lower abdominal region will not go away as it has been stretched and skin stretched does not regain its original form.
With proper diet and exercise you can loose the extra fat and tone the abbs a lot but the extra skin and loosened abdominal fascia will remain.
Many women opt for surgery to correct the loose fascia and remove the excess skin. The surgery is called an abdominalplasty and costs about $4000-$5000.
The surgeon actually physically cuts out the loose skin ,and also tightens up the fascial wall with sutures. This requires a BIG incision from hip bone to hip bone at the very lower aspect of the abdomin.
My wife has done wonders with abb work although but she did opt for liposuction of the abdomin to get rid of a genetic fat deposit in this area that she has had all her life. The results are great but the loose facia still remains although not too bad.
You too can do wonders with exercise and diet but 100% recovery is normally not possible. Even those women that look like they have never had kids always have some loss of fascial tone.
Not all women get the loose skin. Much of that depends on genetics and how big one got during the pregancy. If the abdominal skin is not overly stretched then it will return to its pre pregnancy immediately...if you have loose skin after pregancy I am afraid it will not go away.
Sorry to sound so negative but I thought you deserve to know the truth.