musclemom said:Do I understand you to say your total cholesterol is 113, your LDL is 60 and HDL cholesterol is 43? Wow.
Okay, remember I said I'm no expert, and I'm just bouncing ideas but I wonder if it's the fact your levels are SO low ... hormones are transported by cholesterol. There were a few studies linking some anxiety problems and low cholesterol ... PACs (which is what you're having) have been linked to anxiety issues.
yes, total 113.
2 yrs ago 185
janurary 2007 160
this weekend 113
it's from cardio, and good diet.
i think i'm gonna get on some inject b12 or bcomplex. i am gonna go see a cardiologist. i do have anxiety. maybe this is all anxiety. maybe i just need a good anxiety medicine. i don't like xanax because it makes me tired and not want to do anything. maybe there's something that doesn't make you tired but keeps you chilled out?