New member
It helps if you have a target contest date in mind. The season usually runs from March - November (in the US anyway). If you have this in mind, then you can start scheduling your pre-comp, what bodyfat you are around 12-16 weeks out & prep according to what you want at comp time. For figure you are looking around 10-12%. Var tends to make your muscles harder. The bulk or cut will depend on how you are dieting. The cycles I've seen usually put var towards the last 8-10 weeks pre-comp. (Make sure also that your target comp is NOT tested. That's cheating.)
The typical dose is 10 mg/day, 5 mg in the AM, 5 mg in the PM as var has a half life of around 8 hrs. You can start at 5 mg for a week or two and work up. There's generally no reason to go above 10 mg/day. Also depends on how you react to the particular var you have. Be aware of the particular sides you can expect, e.g. interrupted period, etc. and adjust your life accordingly.
The typical dose is 10 mg/day, 5 mg in the AM, 5 mg in the PM as var has a half life of around 8 hrs. You can start at 5 mg for a week or two and work up. There's generally no reason to go above 10 mg/day. Also depends on how you react to the particular var you have. Be aware of the particular sides you can expect, e.g. interrupted period, etc. and adjust your life accordingly.