Ya know? I'm feeling awesome. Sometimes I feel so good I almost feel boarderline psycho. Like I'm gonna jump outta my skin or something. It's odd, in a really good way. Guess that's how it feels to be really alive and loving it.
Ya know? I'm feeling awesome. Sometimes I feel so good I almost feel boarderline psycho. Like I'm gonna jump outta my skin or something. It's odd, in a really good way. Guess that's how it feels to be really alive and loving it.
I'm doing alright... was sick over the weekend with bad stomach pain and puked my guts out last night. Stayed home from work today. Now I'm trying to figure out what I should try to eat... and there's no food here so I'll have to leave the house. I took a shower that was the first step.
Aside from that just have a BodyPump vid on in the background trying to learn some new choreography for my class. I feel like going for a run, but I have a few people that care about me deeply forbidding me to go out. (I tend to overdue it sometimes?)
LOL probably more than you needed to know but there ya go.
Again congrats on your progress and glad you're feeling great!
*~*~Swollen but not Flabby! May take a few months to not be puffy*~*~
I posted and then deleted this pic earlier cause it was too big! Here it is again. I'm sharing this one because I don't even have skin or fat hanging over when I sit down.
I NEVER thought this would happen. Also, it shows a tiny peek of where my breast scars are and how low they don't hang anymore either, lol!
If you know me you'll understand my happiness with this pic. If you do NOT know me you'll just think I'm a dork. Either way...whatever.
I'm doing GREAT and will be back on here when my kids get back in school in Spetember!