Hmm, good question. I've always felt I can hit my back and hamstrings better when I SLDL, then conventional, I'm sure once I get into heavier weights I will do conventional to take some of the load off my lower back
Hmm, good question. I've always felt I can hit my back and hamstrings better when I SLDL, then conventional, I'm sure once I get into heavier weights I will do conventional to take some of the load off my lower back
Ok I guess thats ok for now. Dont forget that on the DLs you only do 2 sets of 5. Otherwise its just too much. You could alternate Rack Pulls with DL if you wanna.
Ok I guess thats ok for now. Dont forget that on the DLs you only do 2 sets of 5. Otherwise its just too much. You could alternate Rack Pulls with DL if you wanna.
Alright I will do that, and hey, the first workout felt actually really light, but I guess the weight adds up fast after 2 of the same workouts a week and after 12 weeks I can imagine it gets heavy. So really every week you're going up 10lbs in the exercises
Totally agree the weight will soon be heavy , diet and macros look great to me , very interesting as I'm looking at a clean bulk soon so good for tips ! Thank you.
Totally agree the weight will soon be heavy , diet and macros look great to me , very interesting as I'm looking at a clean bulk soon so good for tips ! Thank you.
10lbs a week, with a 12 week program is 120lbs. So in theory squat should be 265lbX5, bench 256lbX5, BB rows 235lbX5, OH shoulder press 190lx5, Deadlift 255lbX5. French press, and curls ill worry about the numbers ater