puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Feb 3, 2010 #31 PICK3 said: declare your bet so that I can take the opposite team Click to expand... Colts
bblazer Banned Feb 4, 2010 #33 Thanks for going with the Colts PudMonk. Now I am calling double lock on the Saints. B-
BBR100 New member Feb 4, 2010 #35 Mr. dB said: Ditto. I know who I WANT to win, but choosing a wager will be tough. Click to expand... deebs thinking of wagering 10,000+ on this baby
Mr. dB said: Ditto. I know who I WANT to win, but choosing a wager will be tough. Click to expand... deebs thinking of wagering 10,000+ on this baby
billfred New member Feb 4, 2010 #36 Shit - I bet on the colts before I saw what Puds was betting. shitfuckdamhell
redshirt27se New member Feb 4, 2010 #37 looks like you are all going to make 'cane a rich man. it's more than 2 to 1 on the Colts right now. And I'm 1/3 of the Saints bets.
looks like you are all going to make 'cane a rich man. it's more than 2 to 1 on the Colts right now. And I'm 1/3 of the Saints bets.
N Nomak666 New member Feb 4, 2010 #38 Cane is too genrous with k, but as soon as i get the 2,500,000, im going all in on the indianapo.......YEAH RIGHT..........WHO DATTTT?!?!??!
Cane is too genrous with k, but as soon as i get the 2,500,000, im going all in on the indianapo.......YEAH RIGHT..........WHO DATTTT?!?!??!
sweed Elite Mentor Platinum Feb 4, 2010 #39 ok, so what does the whole +5 -5 thing mean again so I know where/ how to bet?? lol
redshirt27se New member Feb 4, 2010 #40 sweed said: ok, so what does the whole +5 -5 thing mean again so I know where/ how to bet?? lol Click to expand... before the game starts, it already 5-0 New Orleans. so Indy has to win by more than 5 if you pick them.
sweed said: ok, so what does the whole +5 -5 thing mean again so I know where/ how to bet?? lol Click to expand... before the game starts, it already 5-0 New Orleans. so Indy has to win by more than 5 if you pick them.