Deadlift day
1.Sumo deads- 365 lbs 2x1, 405x1, 435 lbs 2x1, 405x2.5
2.Rack pulls(9")- 405x1, 455x1, 475x1, 495xmiss
3.Close grip cable rows- 150x5, 170x5, 200x3
Good session. I am maxing sumos next week, so I decided to do some heavy singles this week. I used the suit bottoms. That is actually the heaviest sumo I have done without the straps up. After that I just wanted to see if I could rep 405. At least I know grip isn't the problem, it's just falling forward. I bet I could get 4-5 reps conventional if that's what I was going for, but I'm not.
It's odd that I have deadlifted 460 for a full ROM off the floor, yet I struggle to do 15 lbs more out of the rack with the plates 9" off the ground(bar just below the knee). Some people can pull 100+ lbs more than they can dead this way. I guess it just shows that my speed/power off the floor is key to my deadlift. I have to hit my lockouts hard!!