5x10 weighted pull-ups
5x5-10 bent over barbell rows heavy
Standing lat pull down 3x8-10 (pronate)
Close grip lat pull down 3x6-10(supinate)
Db rows 3x6 heavy
Inverted rows (strongly suggest) 4x15
Back extensions. 3x10-12
Do this every week. Change it up some. Always keep pull-ups and bent over rows and inverted rows in. Doing it tomorrow. Look forward to it!
Seated rows
Lat pull downs
I was never a fan of working my back but I fell so much more balanced when I spend time on back and shoulders. It helps the stability of a 25 year old spinal fusion I have also. Old school fusion too. Bone graft instead of rods/pins.
Seated rows-4x6-8
Wide pull down back-4x8
Narrow pull down frt-4x8
Narrow pull down frt-3x8 (sup)
Face pulls 3x8-10 +drop set x12
Dumbell rows 3x8-12
Depending on the gym population at the time I'll mix it up some and add/subtract excersises like back extensions, flys on the peck deck or maybe those straight arm push down things a guy at the gym calls Sweeps.
I don't have a lot of time so I have to keep moving.
6x 15 pull ups
4x12 seated cable rows
4x8 cable pull downs
5x6 t-bar rows
2x10 good mournings ( warm up)
5x12-15 weighted back extensions
in and out in an hour tops!
•Pull ups - 2 x 15 warm up (assisted)
- 3 x 8-12
•Pull downs - 3 x 8-12
•Pull downs - 3 x 8-12 (reverse grip)
•Dead lift - 3 x 10-15
•Bent over rows 3 x 8-12
•Super set single arms rows 3 x 8 with seated CG row 3 x till failure