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Fast Twitch Fiber said:
I guess you have no respect for olympic athletes either since a lot of them juice. My most competitive lifts were done before I juiced. I got stronger on juice but I also jumped 3 weight classes and my lifts weren't as competitive.
Here we go.
Of course i don't have respect for Olympic Athletes that take steroids. Are you trying to tell me that i should respect them solely for the fact that they still put in hours of training, make sacrifices etc etc. IT IS CHEATING. I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ANYONE WHO TAKES THE EASY WAY OUT. I politely stated my point up till now, but you sir are a wanker. If you have respect for athletes that cheat, and the last time i checked, taking steroids in 98% of sports is considered cheating, then god help you. I don't give a fat frogs ass how many hours of training they put in, until sports federations pass a law that states taking steroids is acceptable, they won't get any respect from me, nor should they from you.