wow this is alot of posts
the project -yeah that is me in the avatar and im all natural. currently 255 18inch biceps decent bodyfat(bulking) and i dont put up 500 pounds on the bench like some of these fellas with there shirts on though. im sorry if i flamed you all .....
but in SPORT, i do not respect ATHELETES that wear all these suits and wraps AND TAKE JUICE OR DRUGS. but thats only in SPORT.but if lifting for looks i could careless if u take drugs or not, but this is about the bench suits and all that bullshit you wear. i think sports like powerlifting these days is really who takes the best and most drugs and who has the best bench shirts or wears the most bench shirts or wrist wraps or squat suits as OPPOSED to competing for RAW STRENGTH.
i havent read all the posts here but i think thats all i have to say
the project -yeah that is me in the avatar and im all natural. currently 255 18inch biceps decent bodyfat(bulking) and i dont put up 500 pounds on the bench like some of these fellas with there shirts on though. im sorry if i flamed you all .....
but in SPORT, i do not respect ATHELETES that wear all these suits and wraps AND TAKE JUICE OR DRUGS. but thats only in SPORT.but if lifting for looks i could careless if u take drugs or not, but this is about the bench suits and all that bullshit you wear. i think sports like powerlifting these days is really who takes the best and most drugs and who has the best bench shirts or wears the most bench shirts or wrist wraps or squat suits as OPPOSED to competing for RAW STRENGTH.
i havent read all the posts here but i think thats all i have to say