bars restaurants beach supermarket dry cleaner around downtown etc
I just decided that if I am attracted I will say hello. It usually works, if it doesn't I can comfortably say it is their loss. Been on a lot of dates, most are all the same, kinda bored, want to move 'up' the food chain a little.
J/k - that's what I say when people ask why I volunteer there - "to meet women.'
House parties are probably the best bet if you are looking for quality woman. If you are looking for essentially a free hooker, low end dance clubs (polyesthers here in DC) kind of is the place to be.
Real women there????????????
Places like those are crowded with escorts, wtf you talking about? High class escorts, not high class women.
Chicks in the dorm - very risky affair if you're looking for casual sex - once they get attached - they can always find you, come bitch about it, and spread the rumors all over the place - too close to home.
Laundry places are great though you can take a peak at the variety of cloth she has/wears
and I also like book stores (B&N, Borders) since I like to read lotsa periodicals but don't like shelling $$ for it - all of them have a cafe also which is convenient
Confidence and initial attraction=100% game with the chicks