I agree he does not look like Paul Dillet, Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates, etc. . . but you do not have to be 300 lbs to be beyond what is capable of naturally.
It would absolutely shock you what a true IFBB pro does on a weekly basis to look that way. I have an actual weekly list of what one of them does, I will try and drag it up and post it on here. But just because you are not taking 10 to 20 different drugs per week, like many pros are doing, you are still not clean if you are using at all.
I am not advocating drug use. I am not trying to discourage anyone either, I am just trying to pass on information that I wish I had when I was younger. If you want to believe you are going to look like Arnold, or Jean Paul, or Franco Columbo, or any pro whose name you would recognize without juice, and often tons of it, you are deluding yourself. I know this. I was deluded for years.
Most can never achieve anywhere near those levels regardless of what they take and how they train. I am not trying to argue with anyone, but the use of performance enhancing drugs is far far more prevelant than many on this board choose to beleive.