Re: Went 2 the Dr..guess what he told me...nothing compares..-- S. O'Connor song it a
Seriously, the most moronic meathead thread I have read since I stopped reading meathead threads in 2005 and quit posting on boards except for on a rare occasion. And Stevesmi I think I posted to you a couple years ago about clot formation and plaque rupture and high bloodpressure. I could be wrong but I dont think I am, just a diff handle.
THe whole premise of this thread is idiotic, b/c it was made by an idiot as far as I can tell by attempting to decipher it.
Hot nurse, crying he might be dying and know one kisses his booboo enough, she says he's stupid, he asks her out, she says his liver might be failing b/c he is bruising, he thinks she's actually referring to his liver, she's being cheeky saying, you dont get it dickhead, youre bruising b/c I am turning your meathead ass down for the date.
OH MY LIVER MY LIVER, must take supplements dumbass walks away thinking.
If you are in severe end stage liver disease, which Ive seen, and get DIC deep intravenous coagulapathy and look like you've got end stage ebola virus and bleed from your eyes, ears, anus pores etc... Then you have a liver problem, you got turned down and down again changing from the date question to you are an idiot and I can go out with you b/c the moon is going to crash into the earth and your liver is exploding.
And no, its not true that doctors dont know about anabolic steroids, they do, they just dont care much. They are trained in algorhythmic interpretation of symptoms, history of a bellcurve of a normal person. Outside of the normal bellcurve, ie those who choose a certain path, they dont judge, but certainly arent going to climb the himalayas to figure out what is wrong with someone introducing substances that have no evidence based medicine to rely upon to give proper medical advice. Ive got 2 guys in another room with s-t elevation infarcts (heart attacks) and I got some douchebag thinking he's got a pulmonary embolism 3 days after injecting oil into his delt and he's hitting on the nurse. Hmmm, let me triage this... idiot gets the boot
Now as far as LVH or left ventricular hypertrophy, I AM an expert on it and it is as varied as how many ways you can make a pizza. In general, it's an independent risk factor for early mortality and morbidity.
Its not proven why yet and there has been, at least for the last 15 years studying it, no conclusive scientific research to specifically isolate the mechanism.
But the speculation is pretty much coming to a consensus. That left ventricular hypertrophy, or a large heart muscle is like lifting weights for the heart. It is a sign that the heart has to pump against a higher "AFTERLOAD".
The afterload is high circulatory pressure which is a big culprit in stroke and heart attack as it is a sheer mechanical force against the arterial system walls causing them to either rupture or splinter. Plaque rupture is like a pimple bursting in the artery, you can find my analogy of this on EF for the past 10 years if you search it. It then exposes, let me back up, it's like a blister bursting, the endothelium (lining of the artery is breached) it then exposes the inner artery, the mesothelium to the blood flow and sends out alll these chemical messengers saying "IGOT a cut on my finger" and asks to be clotted off.
That's what happened to Stevesmi
A plaque rupture.
Now LVH is a sign of that process happening, a flare being sent up saying there is TOOO MUCH sheer mechanical force in the arterial system tree. But there are also other factors to consider like immflamation in the body, The fact that heart disease only affects 15% of the population (they dont tell you that in the media, 5 out of 6 people dont need to care about their cholesterol levels b/c only 1 out of 6 grow plaques in their arteries).
But sheer mechanical force in the arterial system is worse. IT causes end organ damage to every organ, brain (stroke), Kidneys (failure) etc...Its due to the fragile nature of the capillary exchange network present in every organ.
Now in terms of LVH and LVH eccentric vs concentric. I think there are 30 different genetic types of hypetrophic obstructive cardiomyopathies. And within each genetically afflicted there is a continuum of none present, mild, moderate, severe, critical.
There is no good or bad. Just have to be examined and followed up to see if it progresses. Make sure medications are correct, surgical options are available but would like to avoid it. Dont take steroids if you have LVH.
It goes away if it's not a genetic case, which most arent. Get your blood pressure as low as possible and if you ask about golgi berries I am going to reach through the computer screen and slap you.
An ACE inhibitor and HCTZ
if you are 1 out of 10 that gets a cough with an ACE use an ARB and HCTZ.
LVH can be life threatening in and of itself, it can cause the mitral valve to be sucked into the outflow tract of the aorta through the venturi effect (vacuum effect) and cause a person to pass out from lack of blood and certainly irritate the heart muscle itself to go into a fatal arrythmia. Seen it happen.
So if some douchebag shows up saying he thinks he killed himself by squirting some oil without aspirating and then during observation asks out a nurse. Well the diagnosis was probably correct. There's definitely something wrong with him but Im not a brain surgeon or a miracle worker. And lol at his liver.
Folks, 30% of india and china's by their own admissions and crackdowns are that the medications are bogus. there, 1 million people die a ywar from bogus malaria drugs.
Yes it sucks that people dont work for free, but come on, do you?
There is the Braunwald guide to heart disease, it's probably a 1000 pages in length, I cant remember anymore these days. I memorized it and that was just the first step in learning heart disease. That was just learning how to speak "french" so to speak.
I am not going to try and teach someone a foreign language in the half hour I have to gather their history symptoms and clinical data. If you were so keen on learning it, you'd have done so beforehand.
Brothabill's DunceCap Award goes to the Original Poster of this thread. And sure hopes his liver doesn't explode from his nurse's date rejection.
"Hey, wanna go to Chuck-E-Cheese?"
"Sorry- I would- I was a fitness model- I am so terribly attracted to guys like you... BUT your liver is going to explode so I'll have to pass I am afraid"
"Sit this one out"
"Look at the time I... Oh. my watch is gone, I got to go find my watch"
"Let me think about it, Id have to cancel a night of enemas so I am leaning towards a no"
"if your liver doesnt explode, my brain will"
"Its not you, it's me <I think you are a fucking moron and I only date morons"