Ok here is what this weeks DE and ME days looked like.
Monday DE day
Bench Press(8x3x150)
Chest supported rows(3x5)
Tricep Pushdowns(2x8)
Rear Delt Fly(2x8)
Thursday ME day
Closegrip Bench press(1 finger on the smooth)
1x1x300***This was good for two reasons, 1-I beat last weeks max of 290 and 2 this was what I maxed raw with my regular grip two weeks ago.
1 Board Press(palms just inside power ring)
310x1(felt fairly easy, beat last weeks max of 305)
Closegrip Pulldowns(3x6)
Front Delt Raise(2x8)
Thats pretty much it for this week. I can tell that either the routine itself is working well or that muscle memory is kicking in.
Ill post my results for next week on next Thursday. This is the ME rotation again for those that may not remember.
1-closegrip bench, 1 board press
2-closegrip bench, 1 board press
3-closegrip incline, 2 board press
4-closegrip incline, 2 board press
5-ultra wides, 3 board press
6-ultra wides, 3 board press
7-dumbell press, 4 board press
8-dumbell press, 4 board press
I am thinking of changing it up a little and only making it a 6 week cycle. I am thinking of doing it like this
Weeks 1 and 2- closegrip bench, 1 board press
Weeks 3 and 4- closegrip incline, 2 board press
Week 5- ultra wides and 3 board press
Week 6- dumbell press and 3 board press.
I am also thinking of throwing in the 4 board on a couple of my DE days just to work on my lockout strength. Well guys thats about it. Just thought I would keep everyone posted.
Monday DE day
Bench Press(8x3x150)
Chest supported rows(3x5)
Tricep Pushdowns(2x8)
Rear Delt Fly(2x8)
Thursday ME day
Closegrip Bench press(1 finger on the smooth)
1x1x300***This was good for two reasons, 1-I beat last weeks max of 290 and 2 this was what I maxed raw with my regular grip two weeks ago.
1 Board Press(palms just inside power ring)
310x1(felt fairly easy, beat last weeks max of 305)
Closegrip Pulldowns(3x6)
Front Delt Raise(2x8)
Thats pretty much it for this week. I can tell that either the routine itself is working well or that muscle memory is kicking in.
Ill post my results for next week on next Thursday. This is the ME rotation again for those that may not remember.
1-closegrip bench, 1 board press
2-closegrip bench, 1 board press
3-closegrip incline, 2 board press
4-closegrip incline, 2 board press
5-ultra wides, 3 board press
6-ultra wides, 3 board press
7-dumbell press, 4 board press
8-dumbell press, 4 board press
I am thinking of changing it up a little and only making it a 6 week cycle. I am thinking of doing it like this
Weeks 1 and 2- closegrip bench, 1 board press
Weeks 3 and 4- closegrip incline, 2 board press
Week 5- ultra wides and 3 board press
Week 6- dumbell press and 3 board press.
I am also thinking of throwing in the 4 board on a couple of my DE days just to work on my lockout strength. Well guys thats about it. Just thought I would keep everyone posted.