I agree with evrrything you said here, but in this case, you do not understand all that DB is getting at with his theories, and you haven't had experience working an athlete through a progression of hypertrophy - strength - force absorption - force production - power absorption - power production, or you would know that it works amazingly well. You may be right on some level in saying that it is impossible to QUANTIFY a dropoff in elite athletes, as I have never coached an Olympic athlete. I have never extended past DI athletes, and their careers post collegiate. As an aide, I am actually more interested in coaching the athletes who are not genetic freaks, as they have been told by dumb asses their whole lives that speed in purely genetic. I can tell you that it isn't. Now, are the very most elite times? Yes, probably. I do not know how much ground DB's stuff can make up.
For example: over the past sixteen weeks I have been working with the son of a DII Basketball Coach. I also write the workout for his team. The son was a three year BFS devotee, never missing a workout....coach's son type. I had the coach run some diagnostics on the kid, and I felt that in order to springboard his performance, we actually needed to do more DUR work, but on muscle groups that we too weak to function correctly while he moved. He was typical, quad dominant, but little reactive ability. He was nailed to the floor at 6' with a running touch 6" below the rim. The month was a 4:1 Frequency - Fatigue cycle that immediately added 6 pounds of muscle (7 total), and his squat jumped 65 pounds. Three weeks. All he needed was some concentrated Iso work and some PIM 1 1/2 Bulgarian Squats to reteach those glutes / hips that they are the bad boys, not those dinky quads. We also did many rehabilitaive restorative drills to bring up his glute activation, and tons of pull-through, 45 Degree, Around the World type stuff to synch the rear chain. We then went to Force Absorption and Production for a phase, and I started him progrssing through very low level Altitude Work. I had primed his soft PF tissues during the DUR work, so we were ready to slowly enter into Plyos. Plus, he could now squat over 1.5X his BW, so following all of the cut-in-stone advice (which I always do with on-line clients to ensure liability is not an issue!!), he was ready for plyos.
Anyway, we went through 4 more 4:1 F-F cycles, and now he is down for the next week tapering for practice, which starts the day afeter Thanksgiving. He added 45 more pounds to his squat (now at 1.7X BW), even though we never did any Circa Max work, or Iso work. We have done Wave Loaded Reactives, after Force Drop Absorptions, and have worked through two waves of Altitude Drops / Depth Jumps using 3weeksAlt - 3weeksDepth-3WeeksOff-2WeeksAlt - 1Week Depth.
He can now run and hang from the rim off two feet and 1-foot. Oh, that was another issue, he was basically a total 2-foot jumper (I am sure engrained by so much squat work). We corrected that by doing many Split Squat type movements throughout the cycle. BTW, if I told you his speed improevements in the 30 and the Pro Agility, you'd probably call me a liar...as I am sure they ar enhanced by actually doing the tests and getting better at the specisfic test. I ask him every time we talk: you sure you didn't fall the first time? Nope, and they ran the tests 3X. So while we all talk numbers here, his on the court performance improved from the overall 15 pound weight gain and hike in performance that accompanied the retraining of his NeuroDynamic System.