Good leg session today, walking lunges before squats helped and then it hurt more

RDLs on the bar felt pretty good, will bump to 225 Saturday and shoot for 4x15-18 range.
Here are the meals: Crazy thing is when I drink shakes more I feel less full but I appear bloated sort of in the abs. If I eat solids like rice and chicken I feel satiated and my abs are flat still somewhat defined, why?
1/10/2024 | Protein | 70 | 30 | 70 | 70 | 70 | 70 | | | | 380 |
| Fat | 30 | 5 | 12 | 18 | 12 | 4 | | | | 81 |
| Carbs | 24 | 8 | 26 | 15 | 14 | 8 | | | | 95 |
| | Scrambled eggs, pinch of cheese, whey shake, walnuts and dried cherries in 1/4Cup of oatmeal | Recovery whey isolate shake | 1/3 Cup White rice steamed with 11 oz of stemaed Chicken thighs and 2 Tbsp of bbw sauce shredded. | Whole fat yogurt and whey with almond milk shake with fresh strawberries | 1/4 cup of white rice with 110z chicken thighs steamed and BBQ sauce and hot pepper with onions. | Egg white and Whey shake | | | | |
Here are my weights for legs today: Had the craziest veins on the vastus lateralis, if I can capture with pic I will post, crazy pump today.
1/10/2024 | Walking body weight lunges as warm up | 2x40 | 210 bodyweight | These really woke up my legs | |
| Front squats with wedge - excellent form | 3x20 | 115lbs | | |
| Back Squats | 4x8/4x20 | 275/ 225 | Felt strong on the heavy sets but wobbly on lighter sets, last set was fatiguing. | I would rep 8, then drop 50lbs and push more. I want another barbell setup with the heavy weight so I can just move between them, one off the front of the rack and one inside. |
| Sumo Squat BB | 4x6/4x15 | 225/185 | Pretty sore doing these. | |
| Barbell RDL | 4x20 | 185lbs | Was fading here | Strong core, nice hinge movement and plates 2" off the floor. |
| Glute bridge raise with 35lb plate in my lap | 4x30 | 155lbs | Easy and slow contractions | |
| Calf raise with barbell | 4x10/4x30 | 205lbs/185lbs | Felt pretty good | |
| High rep 135 squats @50 | 50 reps | 135lbs | I could really feel these today. | |
Tomorrow is push time, will update after I push hard.
Thanks guys, later.